I just downloaded Lightroom CC, the newest version of Adobe’s easy to use photo-editing software. Unfortunately, every time I clicked the desktop icon (which, btw, only says Lightroom – it does not list the version (CC) like previous versions), Lightroom would fail to launch. Not even the splash screen would appear. I even tried launching as administrator and through the start menu. No luck. Then, I read something helpful in the comment section of Adobe’s Photoshop blog: If you’re having this problem, sign out of creative cloud and sign back in.
Simple enough – it worked. To sign out, open creative cloud updater, click on the gear in the upper right, and click preferences. Then click “sign out” next to your user name.
Sign back in, then Lightroom should launch. Lightroom CC did go through some strange screens like validating the license, showing I had 00 days left to try the product, but clicking through these eventually got the program to open properly. Upon first launch, it will ask if you want to upgrade your catalog. (you’ll probably want to)
Enjoy the new HDR in-lightroom processing after you fix your issue! (select images, right click, photomerge -> HDR)